Free AI Detector & AI Checker Tool
Just paste your text, and our tool will detect AI-generated content. It can identify content created by ChatGPT, GPT-4, GPT-4o, Gemini, Claude and more.
A free AI detector perfect for all projects
Use our free AI detector to ensure your content is authentic and meets your project's standards, whether for academic, professional, or personal use.
Perfect for Students
Check essays and homework to ensure they sound human.
Ideal for Writers
Detect AI content to keep your writing real and natural.
Great for Teachers
Spot AI-written text in projects and student submissions.
Best for Bloggers
Make sure your blog posts are free of AI-generated content.
Useful for Businesses
Verify marketing copy to keep it original and human.
Helpful for Freelancers
Ensure client work is unique and AI-free every time.
Why Choose Our Free AI Detector?
Our tool finds AI-written text with ease. Whether it’s made by ChatGPT, Gemini, or Claude, it spots AI content fast and accurately. Simple, reliable, and ready to use anytime.
Totally Free
Check as much text as you want without spending a dime.
Works for Any Text
Perfect for blogs, essays, articles, and more.
Highlight AI Text
Easily see which parts are likely written by AI.
Unlimited Scans
Use it as often as you need, with no limits.
No Account Required
Start detecting AI text right away, no signups needed.
Fast and Easy
Get results in just seconds, hassle-free.
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to the most commonly asked questions below.
What is the Free AI Detector & AI Checker Tool?
The Free AI Detector & AI Checker Tool is a powerful tool for checking if text was made by AI. It helps users see if content is real or made by a machine. It's great for students, teachers, writers, and professionals to keep their work trustworthy.
How does the AI Detector work?
The AI Detector uses advanced algorithms and machine learning to check text. It looks at writing styles and sentence structures. This helps it tell if text was made by a human or AI.
Is the AI Detector free to use?
Yes, the Free AI Detector & AI Checker Tool is free for everyone. You don't need to pay or sign up to use it.
Do I need to create an account to use the tool?
No, you don't need to create an account to use the tool. It's easy to access and use without any hassle.
What types of text can I check with the tool?
You can check many types of text with this tool. Examples include essays, articles, reports, and creative writing such as fiction, poetry, or stories. It works well with all kinds of text.
How accurate is the AI Detector?
The AI Detector's accuracy depends on the text and AI model. It's built to give reliable results, but no system can be 100% accurate with AI's fast changes.
How long does it take to analyze text?
Text analysis is quick. Most results come in seconds to a minute, based on the text's length and complexity.
Is my text kept confidential?
Yes, your privacy is a top priority. Your text is processed securely and not kept or shared. You can use the tool without worry.
Can I check multiple texts at once?
Right now, the tool checks one text at a time. However, you can check many texts by submitting each one separately.
What should I do if the tool gives an inaccurate result?
If the AI Detector says something's wrong, double-check the content, test alternative samples, or provide feedback to help us improve the tool.
Is the tool suitable for educational purposes?
Yes, the Free AI Detector & AI Checker Tool is great for students, teachers, and researchers. It checks if essays, assignments, and research papers are real. This ensures that academic work is honest. Teachers can also use it to find out if students used AI for their work.
How can I provide feedback or suggestions for the tool?
We really value your feedback! If you have ideas or comments on how to improve the tool, contact us. Your suggestions help us make the tool better for you.